TYFA League Certification


Who’s Ready for Certification?!!

Certification is the process in which the league (TYFA) verifies all players to ensure they are the correct age and playing with the correct age groups. It is MANDATORY that all players be in attendance in order to get certified to play in TYFA.  In order for a child to participate in TYFA events, they must have a profile in the TYFA web application.


It is the Guardian’s responsibility to complete several processes to help prepare their child for TYFA’s certification.  Parents, you will receive a verification email from TYFA  before our certification day once your child’s info has been uploaded into the TYFA Online Certification System. Once you have received the email you will need to verify the information contained in the email, complete your child’s profile and sign the consent form.  If this is not done, your child will not be allowed to play.  So please check your email, so that you do not miss the email from the TYFA.  If you have not received the email a week before our certification day, please let your head coach or team mom know ASAP.  Please read the instructions listed below to help you complete the required processes.

To help mitigate situations that previously required parents, volunteers and TYFA staff to gather in large numbers at the TYFA HQ, TYFA will implement a virtual certification this season utilizing the TYFA Web App and Zoom.

Instead of us having to travel and gather everyone in one location for certification, with Zoom and modifications made to the Web App, TYFA will certify our volunteers and athletes from their home while you will be in yours.  You will receive an email a few days before your player’s team is scheduled for Certification with the Zoom Link information.


On the day of certification, we will require the following item:

  • The Original State issued Birth Certificate (not the one with the baby feet on it). If you do not have the BC, you can use one of the alternate proof of birth documents listed below.

If you do not have the Original Birth Certificate, you can use one of the following approved alternate proof of birth documents:

  • Valid Passport
  • Valid Military ID card
  • Valid State issued ID card

As of Fall 2020, Certification is now completed Virtual.  You will need to email a copy of your player’s birth certification before certification day.  More information will be given by the organization.

Instructions to complete the online certification:

  • The email you will receive will be titled: athlete password creation  

Click on the link in that email to activate your account. It will take you to a webpage where you need to create a password and log you into the system. PLEASE write and remember your password.  If you do not complete all the steps in 1 seating, you will need that password to go back into your player’s profile to complete the process.

  • Please follow the steps to complete your player’s profile.  click on it Step 1 and verify all their information is accurate.  DOB and legal name (as it appears on the birth certificate)  need to match.

  • Next step is the fee.  Participation fee is $15.  Once payment is completed, you will need to sign the contract.
Note:  If you paid the certification to the organization, this step will bypass once your complete Step #1.
  • Once payment is completed, you will need to sign the contract.  You will need to check off each box and then sign at the bottom.

To get out of the contract once you sign it, hit the X button in the top right corner.

Final step will be the HitCheck app you will have to download on your mobile device. You will need to click the Agree & Continue button that pops up once you hit step #4.

After you click the Agree & Continue, you will receive an email from HitCheck.  Please use that email to download and login with the information that is given in that email. 

Once you download and enter the app, please have your player take the baseline test.  

If you need to go back into your player/cheerleaders profile, here is the link.  Your username is your email and hopefully you remember the password you created.


Please contact your team manager or send us an email if you have any questions.


We are a youth sports organization that has been serving the youth community for 20 years.


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